You are Eli, a solitary electron on a mission to save our universe.
Eli, the universe is coming to an end! Use your slingshot skills to navigate through the dimensions and save your elementary particle friends on the way. It’s a multi dimensional indie puzzle game, something like angry birds meet the periodic table of elements, with a sprinkle of Stephen Hawking.
The game is in soft launch and available for iOS and Android, we are currently developing a version for the Nintendo Switch.
The universe is coming to an end in the big freeze as predicted by Stephen Hawking. More and more stars and entire galaxies are turning into black holes consuming everything in their way. Eventually these black holes also consume each other, forming a universe consisting only of super black holes. The black holes slowly evaporate by emitting Hawking radiation, leaving a universe consisting of nothing but a cold dark void. The big freeze is happening right now.
It is up to you, Eli, to rescue the elementary particles and the elements from our universe. You have to take them through rifts in space time to a safe parallel universe, preserving them from extinction. Journeying through the game you will rescue your friends Pomi, the proton, and Noemi, the neutron, thereafter you can chose to play as these characters as well.
Your adventure will take you through the amazing world of physics and if you feel like it, you can learn a lot on the way while having fun.